
Department Association

AIDA, the Association for Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science is committed to empowering students within the realm of our department. At the core of our mission is the pursuit of excellence and innovation, as we strive to cultivate a dynamic environment that goes beyond textbooks. Through a diverse array of activities, AIDA provides a platform for students, faculty, and professionals to connect, collaborate, and excel. From enlightening workshops and networking events to academic support programs and community outreach, AIDA is a multifaceted organization dedicated to enriching the educational journey of our members. AIDA creates an inclusive space where individuals can thrive academically, professionally, and personally.

Details of Office Bearers

Name Designation Semester
Bimal Roy Chairperson S8
Arunima Anil Vice Chairperson S8
Sreekrishnan K P Secretary S8
Mohammed Ajmal Treasurer S8

Staff Advisors

Divya Konikkara - AP AD Dept.