
Mr. Thomas George K

Assistant Professor

Areas of Specialization

Computer Networks
Artificial Intelligence
Areas of Interest


Educational Summary

Course University Year
B.Tech M G University 2000
PhD APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University Pursuing


From Date To Date Institution Name Designation
2004-09-01 0000-00-00 Jyothi Engineering College Assistant Professor

Papers Published

Merin Jos,Shilpa George,Vinayaka KViswanath,Thomas George K, "MOBITRACK : A Comparitive Study On Android Mobile Tracking" ,International Journal of Advanced Research in Information and Communication Engineering,Vol 3, Issue 2, Feb 2015.
Divya Jose, Thomas George, " Performance Enhancement of WEKA :The data mining tool ",IJESR-International Journal of Engineering &science Research,Vol 5 ,issue 1,Jan 2015

Conferences / Workshop / FDPs Attended

Discrete Computational Structures Vidya Academy of Science & Technology 6 Days 28/06/18 - 4/07/18
Introduction to Research through Research Methodology & Mathematics JECC 3 Days 5/07/18 - 7/07/18
Innovative Approach for Effective Implementation of Student Project and its Documentation JECC 5 Days 17/01/19 - 21/01/19

Projects Guided

Projects Name Details Year
Handwritten Character Recgnotion Final Year B.Tech 2022-2023
P-PLUNGE Mini Project B.Tech 2022-2023