
Mr. Shine P. Xavier

Assistant Professor

Areas of Specialization

Deep Learning
Machine Learning
Areas of Interest

Data Science
Machine Learning
Image Processing

Educational Summary

Course University Year
PhD APJKTU Pursuing
M.Tech University of Calicut 2014
B.Tech University of Calicut 2012


From Date To Date Institution Name Designation
2014-06-02 2014-08-01 Gov. Polytechnic Chelakkara Guest Lecturer
2014-08-04 2015-05-06 Nirmala College of Engineering, Chalakkudy Assistant Professor
2016-06-01 2022-04-13 Thejus Engineering College, Vellarakkad Assistant Professor
2022-04-18 2023-01-12 Vidya Academy of Science and Technology, Assistant Professor
2023-01-16 0000-00-00 Jyothi Engineering College Assistant Professor

Papers Published

Published paper on the topic “Node Failure Recovery with Minimum Network Topology Repair” in IJISET volume 1, issue 4, June 2014.
Presented and published a paper on “Smart Home Energy Management System(SHEMS) Using Zigbee” on national conference sponsored by AICT at Thejus Engineering college.
Published paper on the topic “Vehicle Speed monitoring and enhanced License plate localization method using Rasperi Pi” in IJIS(Impact factor 3.7) volume 3, issue 5, May 2017