

Assistant Professor(on leave)

Areas of Specialization

Computer Science and Engineering
Areas of Interest

Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

Educational Summary

Course University Year
Ph.D National Institute of Technology Calicut 2023
ME Anna University Trichy 2012
B.Tech Calicut University 2006
Diploma Board of Technical Education Kerala 1998


From Date To Date Institution Name Designation
2002-01-16 2002-08-31 Absolute Infotech, Banglore Software Engineer
1998-11-10 1999-11-09 BPL Telecom Limited Technical Apprentice
2007-06-01 0000-00-00 Jyothi Engineering College Associate Professor

Papers Published

Joseph, Annie Julie, Priyansh Dwivedi, Jiffy Joseph, Seenia Francis, P. N. Pournami, P. B. Jayaraj, Ashna V. Shamsu, and Praveen Sankaran. "Prior-guided generative adversarial network for mammogram synthesis." Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 87 (2024): 105456.
Francis, Seenia, Goutham Pooloth, Sai Bala Subrahmanyam Singam, Niyas Puzhakkal, Pournami Pulinthanathu Narayanan, and Jayaraj Pottekkattuvalappil Balakrishnan. "SABOS?Net: Self?supervised attention based network for automatic organ segmentation of head and neck CT images." International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology 33, no. 1 (2023): 175-191.
Francis, Seenia, Harsh Bagaria, P. B. Jayaraj, P. N. Pournami, and Niyas Puzhakkal. "Auto Contouring of OAR in Pelvic CT Images Using an Encoder-Decoder Based Deep Residual Network." In 2022 IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing and Electrical Circuits and Electronics (ICDCECE), pp. 1-6. IEEE, 2022.
Francis, Seenia, P. B. Jayaraj, P. N. Pournami, Manu Thomas, Ajay Thoomkuzhy Jose, Allen John Binu, and Niyas Puzhakkal. "ThoraxNet: a 3D U-Net based two-stage framework for OAR segmentation on thoracic CT images." Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine 45, no. 1 (2022): 189-203.
Francis, Seenia, Darshana Suresh, Shalini Nath, Saai Lakshmi DR, P. B. Jayaraj, Niyas Puzhakkal, and P. N. Pournami. "Monte Carlo Simulation of Linear Accelerator for Dosimetry Analysis." In 2021 6th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT), pp. 1-7. IEEE, 2021.
Kishna, NP Thulasi, and Seenia Francis. "Intelligent tool for Malayalam cursive handwritten character recognition using artificial neural network and Hidden Markov Model." In 2017 International Conference on Inventive Computing and Informatics (ICICI), pp. 595-598. IEEE, 2017.
Athira, S., Frangly Francis, Radwin Raphel, N. S. Sachin, Snophy Porinchu, and Seenia Francis. "Smart mirror: A novel framework for interactive display." In 2016 International conference on circuit, power and computing technologies (ICCPCT), pp. 1-6. IEEE, 2016.
Francis, Seenia, Harsh Bagaria, P. B. Jayaraj, P. N. Pournami, and Niyas Puzhakkal. "Auto Contouring of OAR in Pelvic CT Images Using an Encoder-Decoder Based Deep Residual Network." In 2022 IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing and Electrical Circuits and Electronics (ICDCECE), pp. 1-6. IEEE, 2022.

Conferences / Workshop / FDPs Attended

Francis, Seenia, Coutinho Austin Minino, P. N. Pournami, Niyas Puzhakkal, and P. B. Jayaraj. "Self-supervised approach for organs at risk segmentation of abdominal CT images." In ITM Web of Conferences, vol. 54, p. 01003. EDP Sciences, 2023.
Francis, Seenia, Harsh Bagaria, P. B. Jayaraj, P. N. Pournami, and Niyas Puzhakkal. "Auto Contouring of OAR in Pelvic CT Images Using an Encoder-Decoder Based Deep Residual Network." In 2022 IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing and Electrical Circuits and Electronics (ICDCECE), pp. 1-6. IEEE, 2022.
Francis, Seenia, Darshana Suresh, Shalini Nath, Saai Lakshmi DR, P. B. Jayaraj, Niyas Puzhakkal, and P. N. Pournami. "Monte Carlo Simulation of Linear Accelerator for Dosimetry Analysis." In 2021 6th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT), pp. 1-7. IEEE, 2021.
Kishna, NP Thulasi, and Seenia Francis. "Intelligent tool for Malayalam cursive handwritten character recognition using artificial neural network and Hidden Markov Model." In 2017 International Conference on Inventive Computing and Informatics (ICICI), pp. 595-598. IEEE, 2017.
Athira, S., Frangly Francis, Radwin Raphel, N. S. Sachin, Snophy Porinchu, and Seenia Francis. "Smart mirror: A novel framework for interactive display." In 2016 International conference on circuit, power and computing technologies (ICCPCT), pp. 1-6. IEEE, 2016.

Projects Guided

Projects Name Details Year
SYNTHETIC CT AND MRI GENERATOR This project delves into the synthesis of CT and MRI images through the application of deep learning methods, specifically leveraging a model derived from conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN). The primary objective is to generate clinically relevant and high-fidelity synthetic medical images, contributing to the enhancement of datasets, training of algorithms, and potential support for therapy and diagnosis planning. 2024
RIVER FLOW FORECASTING : A DEEP LEARNING APPROACH we present an innovative approach integrating advanced deep learning techniques, particularly Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) models, with traditional hydrological methods to enhance river flow forecasting and flood alert systems. This framework aims to address the pressing need for accurate and timely prediction of flood events, which is essential for effective water resource management and disaster preparedness. 2024
Cricket Ball Tracking System Using YOLO v8 Model The Cricket Ball Tracking System is an advanced solution for tracking a cricket ball's movement within a video stream using state-of-the-art deep learning techniques, specifically the YOLO (You Only Look Once) v8 model, which excels in object detection. The system preprocesses input frames to enhance detection quality, enabling the YOLOv8 model, trained on an extensive dataset, to accurately identify and locate the cricket ball with an impressive 93.88% accuracy. 2024