


Areas of Specialization

Hybrid & Electric Vehicles
Areas of Interest

Electric Vehicles
Biomedical Engineering

Educational Summary

Course University Year
PhD in Management Studies Anna University, Chennai Pursuing
PhD in Electrical Engineering Anna University, Chennai 2016
ME in Applied Electronics [Faculty of Information and Communication Engineering] Anna University 2010
MSW - Student Counselling and Guidance Annamalai University 2012
MBA - HR [Part Time] MS University - State University 2010
BE Anna University, Chennai 2008


From Date To Date Institution Name Designation
2010-06-15 2016-06-15 Bethlahem Institute of Engineering Assistant Professor
2016-07-15 2024-11-30 Jyothi Engineering College Associate Professor
2024-12-01 2025-01-15 Jyothi Engineering College Professor


Achievement Year
Formed Departmental Organization BEATZ and conducted first Symposiums and a National Conference in 2012. 2012

Papers Published

Jasmine, J.J., Raja, S.E., Muniraj, R., Jarin T., An improved dung beetle optimization with recurrent convolutional neural networks for efficient detection and classification of undersea water object images. Earth Science Informatics, Springer Publishers, (2024). (
Prasad, R., Sreekanth, C., Muniraj, R., T. Jarin, Characterization and aging impact study on antioxidants with CaO catalyzed methyl ester from waste cooking oil as sustainable insulation as biorefinery approach. Biomass Conv. Bioref. (2024). (
Kavya Venugopalan, Jegathesan Varghese, Jarin T “African Vulture Optimized Integrated Control Technique for PV-Fed Open-End Winding Induction Motor Pump Application," RRST-EE, vol. 69, no. 1, pp. 27–32, Apr. 2024, (
Kannayeram, Rathinam Muniraj, J. Jeno Jasmine, S. Edwin Raja, and T. Jarin, "Energy management of renewable energy connected electric vehicles charging using Internet of things: Hybrid MRA-SDRN approach, Energy, Elsewhere Publishers, Volume 304, 2024, 132128, ISSN 0360-5442,
R. Arun, R. Muniraj, S.R. Boselin Prabhu, T. Jarin, and M. Willjuice Iruthayarajan, "Design of robust multi-loop PI controller for improved disturbance rejection with constraint on minimum singular value," Archives of Control Sciences, 2023, vol. 33, no. 4, 839–859 (
Sudhakar, T., Muniraj, R., Jarin, T. et al. Nanofluid-enhanced vegetable oil blends: a sustainable approach to breakthroughs in dielectric liquid insulation for electrical systems. Biomass Conv. Bioref. (2024). (
A. Muniappan, T. Jarin, R. Sabitha, Ayman A. Ghfar, I. M. Rizwanul Fattah, Chilala Kakoma Bowa, Mabvuto Mwanza, "Bi-LSTM and partial mutual information selection-based forecasting groundwater salinization levels", Water Reuse (2023) 13 (4): 525–544. (
Cianna, A., Sumathi, S. & Jarin, T. “Analysis of properties and statistical study on partial discharge inception voltage using normal and Weibull distributions for vegetable oil-based nanofluids”. Biomass Conv. Bioref. (2024). (
R. George, R. Jose, K. Meenakshy, T. Jarin, and S. Senthil Kumar, “Effects of Long-Term Exercise Training on Physiological Signals and Personality Traits in Women in Law Enforcement,” Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 1085-1097, 2023, (
12. Maisari Utami, Pandu Setiawan, Iip Izul Falah, Suheryanto, Muhammad Shidiq, Karna Wijaya, T. Jarin, C. Sumathi Jones, Omar H Abd- Elkader, Moaaz O H Abd-Elkader, Soon Woong Chang, Balasubramani Ravindran, “Synthesis of Biodiesel from Castor Oil Catalyzed by Sodium Hydroxide dispersed on Bentonite,” Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, Vol. 53, Part B, 2022, (
Chinju Saju, Prawin Angel Michael, T. Jarin, “Modeling and Control of a Hybrid Electric Vehicle to Optimize System Performance for Fuel Efficiency,” Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, Vol. 52, Part B, 2022, (

Conferences / Workshop / FDPs Attended

Research Opportunities at CVRDE - DRDO sponsored, Anna University of Technology, Thirunelveli, 6th April 2011.

Projects Guided

Projects Name Details Year
PhD 4 Research Scholars 2018